November 7, 2021
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." -John 3:16
9:00 am - Sunday School (K - High School)
& Adult Small Groups
10:00 am - Worship Service
Nursery Available, Little Lambs & Jr. Church during message
5:30 pm - IGNITE Youth Ministry (6th - 12th grade)
New! Discipleship School of South Jersey - scroll down.
Monday Ladies Bible Study - 7:00 pm every other week
Fire After Dark (FAD) Young Adults 17 & older
Thursdays 7:00 pm
Call Chris Grant Jr. for more info (856) 873-7543
Friday morning- Men's Prayer - 10:00 am
Women's Prayer - 10:15 am
& Greek Club for adults
All are Welcome- Ask for details! ​
Come as you are, sit wherever you would like,
words to the music are on a large screen,
and greeters are available to help you in any way.
First time guests have told us they felt welcome and comfortable.
Contact us with any questions you may have at gfschmidt7@gmail.com.
​​​​Discipleship School
of South Jersey
The new "Discipleship School of South Jersey"... featuring solid, interactive teaching and helpful practices... welcomes everyone!
Grace Community Church as partnered with Crossroads and Trinity Christian Chapel to bring content, relationships and practice!
Next session: February 8, 2025, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
This one will be held at Grace Community Church
Registration Information:

Grades 6 - 12
Join us on Sunday nights @ 5:30 pm
Games, Activities, Worship, Small groups,
Bible lesson and more!

November 7, 2021

Volunteer for Grace Nursery Schedule:

Who We Are

Grace Community Church is part of the
Christian & Missionary Alliance, dedicated to embracing Christ, serving Christ, and worshipping Christ.

Grace Community Church exists to build quality relationships with God, our neighbors, and our world. We are all born with one basic need: forgiveness of sin and peace with God. Attempts to meet that need are made in a variety of ways; being religious, materialism, seeking acclaim, and escapism through substance abuse. These attempts inevitably end in despair and death. God has provided for our sin to be forgiven and for us to be at peace with Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.